June, in the Christian calendar see a number of days know and Ember Days. These are periods of 3 days set apart during the 4 seasons of the year, which were considered as times of prayer and fasting. These would usually be a Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. The purpose of these days was to give time to thank God for the gifts of nature, taking time to use these gifts in moderation, and to set time apart to help those less fortunate.
Rogation Day
We also celebrate “Rogation Day” in June and in times gone by this would see the tradition of “Beating the Bounds” when a procession of parishioners, led by the vicar, churchwardens and choir would walk around the boundary of the parish and pray for its protection in the forthcoming year.
Well, the tradition of beating the bounds may be long gone in most parishes, especially in these days of multi-parish benefices, of which we here in the Wilford Peninsula are the biggest Benefice in the country with 18 churches. That’s quite a walk!!
But the tradition for many Christians taking “time out” for fasting and prayer is still well practiced today. Taking oneself away from the usual daily routines of a busy and often stressful world to go on retreat is something which I would highly recommend.
One place I love to go is to the North Norfolk Coast and the beautiful village of Walsingham, and the Shrine Church there. It gives me time for me. To walk, to read, to catch up on some sleep and of course, time to reflect and to pray.
Fasting and quiet time with oneself and God is not easy, but then Jesus never said being a friend, a disciple of His would be easy!! But with perseverance anything is possible. With a little perseverance even I can give up chocolate or chips in Lent!!
Of course, not everyone can take time out, for a myriad of reasons, and fasting may be an unhealthy option for many, however, we can all take a moment to thank God for the gifts he has given us, even if we are doing the washing up or taking the dog for a walk.
As hopefully, this month we are able to draw out of Lockdown for a final time, we can give thanks for our friends, our families, our community, the food we have, the NHS that have cared for so many, often at personal cost, and the vaccine programme that will enable us to hug loved ones once again.
With love and blessings,
Rev Mandy Xx