About Us

The parish of Rendlesham is doubly blessed with two church buildings, St Gregory the Great & St Felix of Dunwich.
The Team Vicar, Rev. Mandy Reynolds, also takes care of the parishes of Bromeswell, Eyke and Wantisden, with Sutton and Shottisham.
We are part of the Wilford Peninsula Benefice, with the Team Rector at Orford: (Position Vacant)

St Gregory the Great is a late mediaeval building and has served the community for around seven hundred years; its history is being re-discovered by recognised archaeologists.

St Felix of Dunwich began life in the 1940s as the chapel for the Bentwaters airbase, and since 2000 has been serving the rapidly-growing new village being built on the old airbase site.

There is one Parochial Church Council (PCC) for the parish, where both churches are represented and support each other. Both are valued for their different strengths in meeting people’s need for worshipping the Lord. Both seek to serve God and make Jesus better known in our community, by the power of the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament and service.

A warm welcome is extended to everyone coming to join the congregations meeting to worship God at both churches.