Vicar’s Voice – June 2024

At this time of year, some people are on holiday, others are looking forward to going away, or maybe having friends come and visit. Some of you may just be looking forward to a “staycation at home”.However and wherever we refresh ourselves,we all need space for ourselves to restore and recover from the daily tasks… Continue reading Vicar’s Voice – June 2024

Vicar’s Voice – August 2023

August is the holiday month, with schools, colleges and many voluntary groups closed. For some, this holiday season brings a very welcome break from work and routine, a time to get away from it all and relax. For some it’s a get-away to somewhere different, somewhere to explore and experience a different culture. For some,… Continue reading Vicar’s Voice – August 2023

Vicar’s Voice April 2022

Have you ever noticed when attending various church services throughout the year, how the priests’ stole and the altar cloths change colour at various times? Have you ever wondered why? Well, the churches year is made up of different seasons, and each season has it’s own colour. During Advent and Lent, Purple is used as… Continue reading Vicar’s Voice April 2022

Vicar’s Voice March 2022

This month sees two major events taking place. The first is Ash Wednesday, on the 2nd March. This is the day the season of Lent begins, and the day when, Christians receive ash on their foreheads, reminding us that we are but dust and ashes. It is also the time of year when we traditionally… Continue reading Vicar’s Voice March 2022

Vicar’s Voice January 2022

I hope you all managed to have a good Christmas, and despite ongoing restrictions due to Covid, you managed to spend some time with your nearest and dearest. I hope you also managed to attend a Carol Service (or two!) or a Nativity Play, or you might even have watched Midnight Mass from Kings College.… Continue reading Vicar’s Voice January 2022

Vicar’s Voice October 2021

October, the end of summer, the start of Autumn. The weather might be anything, wet and windy, hot and sunny, cool and grey, the leaves have started to turn colour, and the days are shortening fast. But the month of October is a very busy one when it comes to celebrating Saints and Praying for… Continue reading Vicar’s Voice October 2021