Vicar’s Voice December 2021

December, and the month when we get excited about Christmas…or the month we dread !

No doubt, as December draws on, many of you will be making preparations for the big day. Writing and sending a myriad of Christmas cards, buying a new real tree or getting the old well used one out of the attic, together with all the decorations and tinsel, doing the food shopping including the treats that only come along at this time of year, visiting family who we haven’t seen for a couple of years, especially during the pandemic, and of course, there is the choosing, buying and wrapping of just the right gift for family and friends.

And, no doubt, as we hand over the gift, we will eagerly await the reaction from our loved one, and hopefully, it will be a reaction of joy and delight.

And of course, just as we are busy watching their faces, they’ll be watching ours too. And after all, it’s the thought that counts isn’t it?

I well remember one Christmas when I was a little girl, all I really wanted was a pink Petite typewriter, and I hoped so much for it. But, my mum and dad, being as practical as ever, bought me a proper typewriter, and they said it would stand me in good stead later. Well, I was soooo disappointed, but I didn’t want them to know that as they would have been so hurt. I hugged them and said my “Thank Yous” and after Christmas was over and we tidied everything away, I duly hid the gift under my bed for a number of years! I’m sure they never noticed!!

On Christmas morning, we will celebrate the greatest of all gifts given, the birth of the Babe of Bethlehem. And, as with all gifts, we have the choice to accept this precious gift with joy and thanksgiving, or we can say “how lovely was that?” after the Nativity Play or Carol Service is finished, and then not give Jesus another thought until next year.

With the birth of Jesus, God says to us all, “Here is my gift to you, the gift of your salvations, hope and love”. And it is pure, unconditional love for everyone for all time.

No matter how rich or poor we are, we all need the gift of love. To love and be loved. The birth of Jesus in a stable all those years ago is the gift of love given to everyone.

I would like to take this opportunity, of behalf of St Felix and St Gregory’s churches and congregations, to wish you all a very blessed Christmas, and a peaceful New Year

With Love and Blessings

Rev Mandy Xx