This month sees two major events taking place.

The first is Ash Wednesday, on the 2nd March. This is the day the season of Lent begins, and the day when, Christians receive ash on their foreheads, reminding us that we are but dust and ashes. It is also the time of year when we traditionally give up something we enjoy for the 40 days of Lent, as we remember Jesus fasting in the wilderness, where he is tempted by the devil 3 times.
Over the years I have given up some of the things I love, sometimes, chocolate, sometimes wine, sometimes crisps, and sometimes a combination of these, but, whilst I have managed most of the time to complete the 40 days, there are times when I have failed and given into temptation. My excuse…well, I’m only human!!
But that is what Lent is about, reminding ourselves that we are only human and we will get things wrong from time to time. And no matter how hard we might try, we will all make mistakes in our lives. But it’s knowing that when we do get things wrong, when we do make those often silly mistakes, that when we are truly, deep down sorry for those mistakes, we learn from them, and move forward in a new understanding of ourselves.

The second event we celebrate is Mothering Sunday. (Not to be confused with the American celebration of Mothers Day on Sunday May 8th this year).
Traditionally celebrated on the the 4th Sunday of Lent, it is a time when we think about our mums. We make or buy cards, and give flowers or chocolates, prepare breakfast in bed, or take mum out for a special day. It is a time when we can give thanks for all she does for us throughout the year. To say thank you to her for nurturing, caring for and loving us.
Of course, there are many kinds of mums, birth mums, foster mums, adoptive mums, grandmas, aunts and sisters who sometimes have to step up and take on the role of being mum. We give thanks for them all, for the love and sacrifices they often make for those in their charge.

We also remember the mums who are no longer with us. I
remember my mum’s smile, it was just so beautiful. My mum lived by the old adage that “if you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all!” and I never heard her say anything bad or gossip about anyone. I wish I could say the same!! I give thanks everyday for all she gave me, and I cherish her memory.
In church this Lent, we will be holding a 4 week Lent Course, looking at women in the bible who stayed with Jesus during the week leading up to his death and resurrection. We will be looking and reflecting on Anna, Joanna and Salome, and of course Mary Magdalene, was she really was the kind of woman depicted in modern art and literature?
The Lent Course will be held over 4 Tuesday afternoons in St Felix Church, at 2pm with light refreshments, if you would be interested in joining us in. just give me a call or drop me an e-mail if you would like more details.
I hope that the month of March will be a good one for you and yours, and however you celebrate it.
Love and blessings
Rev Mandy Xx